Louis Davison

Louis Robert Davison
First African-American Chief of Police
Banning Police Department

Unsung Hero Mr. Louis Robert Davison was selected as the Banning Chief of Police in 1981. His appointment to this position was a first not only tor Banning, but all of Riverside County and speaks volumes about his qualifications, dedication, motivation, integrity, and ability to work with a diverse community. Unheard of today, Mr. Davison served in this position for eight years.

Chief Davison states, "When I first went to the City of Banning, the community still had not accepted black officers. But I knew that I could make an impact by doing my job to the best of my ability." Throughout his career, he has consistently strived to work with all community members, put his best foot forward, and handle all situations in a sensitive and non-bias manner. He believes one must let go of the negative and DO YOUR JOB!

During his tenure, Chief Davison instituted many innovative and proactive approaches to policing including Neighborhood Patrol and Enhance the Beat Patrol.

A Riverside native, Chief Davison is one of thirteen children. He attended the historic Irving Elementary School, University Heights Junior High School, and Polytechnic High School. He continued his education at Riverside City College, Mount San Jacinto College, California Baptist University, and Golden State University. Additionally, he earned management certificates from the Department of Justice in Executive Management and Police Officer Standards and Training.

His many recognitions and honors include Banning Police Department Medal of Honor • and Inland Empire Police Officers Association for Blacks in Law Enforcement Award.

Chief Davison continues to serve the Riverside community in multiple roles. And he steadfastly strives to demonstrate that everyone can make a difference as he quietly goes about meeting his goal of touching the lives of young men, especially our young black men.